Our Vision

Get Kids Fit Starting with the Mile


The Mile. One day, you stare ahead on a road and realize that you have x-number of miles to cover before reaching your destination. On another, you visualize a track and running 4 times around. What does traveling a mile or 5,280 feet have to do with getting kids more fit?

Schools have a tough enough time squeezing in a curriculum that matches the educational goals of a public or private directive. Physical education or “PE” used to be a major element of daily lessons for elementary or primary education. Today in many states, PE has been shelved or reduced to a day or two per week. At best, PE is a requirement for most school systems through 10th grade.

What is the result? Kids are less fit than generations that go back to the 1960s. It is not all tied to PE. Computers and electronic media have caused kids and parents to become more sedentary.

THE RUN A MILE PROJECT aims to change the mindset and status quo for PE. We aim to encourage teachers, principals and parents to add some aspect of running or walking-running a mile to your weekly planner.

Kids are less fit than generations that go back to the 1960s.
— Dave Watt, Founder

Help us Get kids moving by running the mile!


David B Watt
Founder, Director

Elementary classes in Grove City PA run the Mile.

Elementary classes in Grove City PA run the Mile.